I’m on a mission

I’m a coach, facilitator, and writer whose purpose is to help people be more courageous. This is what guides me in my work and in my life overall.

I draw on a unique set of experiences:

  • Expertise: I have my MBA from Yale School of Management, and I’m certified as a coach through the Coactive Training Institute.

  • Leadership: I was a senior director in the mobility space, having led teams of 100+ people in operations, marketing, and analytics.

  • Boldness: I have a thread of courage running through my own life, from coming out early to leaving my tech career for entrepreneurship.

I truly love what I do, and consider it an honor to do this work.

The stakes are personal for me

For over 30 years, I was on a path of achievement, excelling in academics and in professional life. I remember feeling the rush of achievement in 3rd grade, when I thrived at doing math problems. I loved the recognition and success that came with being an achiever.

And I took pride in what I could accomplish.

I could be a great student and worker—and a great son and friend and partner—and do it all to a high standard.

My achievement unlocked all that I wanted: a rewarding career, a wonderful marriage and child, and a home in a beautiful part of the country. I was making the most money of my career and I felt like I had it all.

And then it stopped working

I was steadily climbing the corporate ladder, aiming for a VP position after progressing from General Manager to Sr. Director.

But gradually—and then suddenly—corporate life no longer resonated with me.

Beyond that, I found I couldn’t achieve my way out of the complexities of midlife. The pandemic, family health issues, deteriorating friendships, keeping my personal needs suppressed…I struggled to keep up with it all.

And I didn’t have the tools to navigate it.

I considered taking a medical leave, and feared I’d lose it all.

A new path forward

After more than a year of trying to keep it all together, I made the decision to lay myself off and take a sabbatical.

I thought I would just take a quick break before applying for VP-level jobs.

But taking a step away from it all helped me reconnect to who I was. In that time when I wasn’t working, I realized I wanted a different kind of life now. And I wanted to serve others in a different way.

I enrolled in coach training and began envisioning my own business.

I learned to trust myself more fully and operate from my own sense of purpose. That purpose gave me a totally fresh source of fuel, clarity, and confidence.

My life’s work

Today, I use my own sense of self to drive my biggest impact. I believe that’s the essence of a Courageous Builder—someone who understands the connection between who they are and what they do in the world.

They have clarified how to be of most service to others.

My own journey from achiever to Courageous Builder has made me a more compassionate, present, and joyful person. And it’s made me the most ambitious I’ve ever been.

I'm dedicated to helping others who want to operate with purpose and authenticity without compromising their impact and ambitions.

When I’m not working

I love spending time with my husband, our son, our dog—and four hamsters.

We live in Los Angeles, and I get to take my son to and from school, which is a total joy. A few times a week, I take a spin class, dance class, swim, or go hiking. I guess I like to be in motion.

At home, I’m happy when I’m working on small projects, cooking vegetarian meals, and reading. I like to keep things simple when I can.