Our focus is simple

Let’s clarify what you want in your life and work—then get you there faster than you think is possible.  

Here’s what the process looks like:

  • Develop Your Courageous Vision: For all prospective clients, I offer a complimentary, fun, and useful process to develop the outcomes you want to get from coaching.

  • Engage Together: If you decide we’re a fit, we’ll create a cadence that keeps your attention. Each session builds toward your vision, and includes a mix of introspection and action to move you forward.

My style is to be both curious and decisive, intuitive and grounded, exploratory and efficient. I welcome working with all types of people, and consider it a courageous act to reach out.


I’ve answered some of the most common questions about coaching and my style here. Take a look and feel free to email me with any other questions you have! 

  • Coaching is a powerful approach to get clear about what you want, and figure out what you need to get there. 

    I think of coaching as the process, space, and partnership that allows you to understand what fulfills you and to move toward it. The most important part of coaching is the relationship between client and coach. As a coach, some of the things I bring are my curiosity, my empathy, my coaching skills and tools, and my challenges to you. As a client, some of the things you bring are your desired outcomes, your topics for each session, your vulnerability, and your ideas. We work together to understand who you are now and who you’re becoming.  

    There are many types of coaching, and there are many styles of coach. If you’re looking for a coach, I always recommend connecting with 2-3 different coaches so you can clarify who will be the right fit for you at this moment.

  • I happen to think most people could benefit from coaching, as long as they’re willing to commit to the process of self understanding and transformation. I have a coach myself, and do my own work as a client.  

    Most people who reach out to me don't know exactly what they need help with and may not even know how coaching can support them.

    • But they know that they’re capable of or want more

    • Or they feel something's not quite working for them now

    • Or they have new challenges that are stirring something up

    Those are all great places to start, and perfect reasons for us to chat. You don't need to know it all when you reach out. In fact, part of my process is to help you get clear about what you want upfront so you can decide whether working together would serve you.

  • As a result of coaching, you can expect to be clearer about where you’re heading. You’ll have a stronger connection to your unique purpose, values, and what gets in your way—and be able to use those to guide and move you forward. 

    Together, we’ll build a space that’s both courageous and safe—allowing you to grow and stretch your limits in a way that’s fully secure and supported. You’ll have a space to be curious, be open to discovery, and have fun as you move toward your goals. I’ll help you uncover new information about yourself or help you see familiar information in a new light. Most of all, you’ll have someone to support your biggest dreams for yourself and help you stay accountable. 

  • Because coaching is a process, I prefer to work with clients for over 6 months so we can go deep and make consistent progress toward your goals. During that time, we’ll usually meet 2-3 times per month, and can communicate any time between sessions. This cadence also allows me to serve a limited number of clients at a time, so I can be fully present and dedicated to their highest aspirations.  

    I think of coaching as an investment of time, energy, and money. It’s hard to change, and so it’s important to find the investment that keeps your attention. I share more about the financial cost as part of my complimentary outcomes process, which I do with all prospective clients. My coaching is customized to each client, and so we work together to find the terms that work best for us. 

  • This question requires deeper exploration, but for the sake of brevity, here are some ways you can think about the difference between coaching and other forms of support services. In general, coaching explores what’s here for you today and where you want to go in your life or work. Coaching isn’t looking to fix anything that’s wrong with you—just to get you closer to a more fulfilled life for yourself. 

    Therapy will help you look to the past to understand “the why.” It’ll help you solve a problem you’re experiencing, and might seek to diagnose an issue. My mom is a therapist and my husband is a therapist, and I’ve benefited from therapy myself. I have a lot of respect for therapy, but it’s not what I do. 

    Furthermore, there are consultants and mentors. Usually consultants will help you learn from their expertise in a certain industry or area, and mentors will help you learn from their own personal experience and what’s worked for them. Item description

  • Yes, I offer workshops and coaching for purpose-driven organizations centered on leadership, mission, culture, and values. If you’re interested in discussing this, feel free to send me an email.